This article will go over how to properly set up your providers and SSAs / QIDPs in order for your system to work properly with the DODD OhioISP system.
Note: this functionality will only be available once the OhioISP functionality has been turned on for your county.
Setting up Providers
Initial Setup
For the initial setup of your providers when first starting to use the OhioISP in Brittco, you will want to go to the OhioISP Integration Dashboard screen. To get to the screen, an Admin will need to go to the OhioISP screen and then click the "Integration Dashboard" button.
Once you are on the Integration Dashboard screen, simply click the "Link Providers" button. This will create a link between your existing provider records in Brittco with the corresponding records in the DODD systems. In order for this link to be successfully made, you will need to make sure that the Contract Number in Brittco matches the Contract Number on record at DODD.
After clicking the "Link Providers" button, you will see a list of all of the providers that were successfully linked.
Once a provider is linked, the "Provider Certification Expiration Date" will automatically stay synchronized with the date that is listed in the DODD system.
New Providers
After the initial setup, making the link between the providers in Brittco and the corresponding record in the DODD system is even easier. From the Providers screen, click the "Add New Provider" button and use the Search box on the Search DODD tab to find the provider. Creating a provider using this method will automatically pre-populate all of the name and contact information to match what is on record at DODD, although this can still manually be changed.
Setting up Staff
Creating the link between the staff records in your Brittco system and the corresponding record in the DODD OhioISP is similar to the steps completed for providers.
First, an Admin will need to go to the OhioISP screen and click on the Integration Dashboard button once more. Next, click on the "Link Staff" to automatically create the link between both systems. In order for the link to be created automatically, the email address field will need to match in both systems. If the emails do not match, you will see a pop-up notification allowing you to manually create the link yourself.
IMPORTANT: SSAs and QIDPs will need to log in to the DODD OhioISP system at least one time before this link can be created in Brittco.