Note: Sick and Vacation times are setup the same as described here for Holiday. Just replace "Holiday" with "Sick" or "Vacation".
The first steps to set up Holiday Pay start on the Piece Tracker screen:
- Create a Customer called 'Holidays'.
- Using the 'Holidays' customer, create a Job for each holiday, such as 'Memorial Day', 'Independence Day', etc.
On the Setup screen:
- Go to the Piece Tracker tab and create a Job Type called 'Holiday-1' or 'Holiday-2'. The choice depends on how you calculate the pay and terms. The details are described below.
- Under 'Job Types per Job', save the holiday Jobs as 'Holiday-1' or 'Holiday-2' Job Type.
On the Client Information screen:
- Select the clients that are considered "Full Time" and select the 'Full Time' checkbox (in the Basic Information section). These are the clients that qualify for Holiday pay.
Adding Holiday Pay
When it comes time to add Holiday pay, go to the Piece Tracker screen:
- Find the Job that matches the holiday, such as Christmas:
- Click 'Details' on the Holiday Job.
- Set the Job Details date.
- Close the Job Details window, then click the 'Details' button again. This will load the eligible list of clients.
- Select the clients to be added to the Holiday pay, and click 'Add Clients to Job'. The only clients listed are those that qualify according to the 'Holiday Pay Rules'.
Holiday (& PTO) Pay Rules
The Holiday Pay Calculation for Holiday-1
- Workers will be paid their average of a day’s earnings from the most recent 8 weeks.
Holiday Pay Eligibility for Holiday-1
- Must be on payroll for six months in order to be eligible for holiday pay.
- Must be present on the last scheduled work day prior to the holiday in order to receive holiday pay.
- Holiday pay is reserved for workers considered "full time". Part-time workers are excluded from Holiday pay.
The Holiday Pay Calculation for Holiday-2
- Workers will be paid their average of the hourly rate averaged by combining piece rate and hourly jobs over the most recent 28 days. There is a cap on the rate that is equivalent to the hourly rate set on the client information screen.
Holiday Pay Eligibility for Holiday-2
- All clients are eligible for holiday pay.
The Holiday Pay Calculation for Holiday-3
- Workers will be paid their average of a day’s earnings from the previous year.
Holiday Pay Eligibility for Holiday-3
- Must be fulltime and on payroll for one year in order to be eligible for holiday pay.
The Holiday Pay Calculation for Holiday-4 (and PTO-4)
- Workers will be paid their average of a day’s earnings from the previous year.
Holiday Pay Eligibility for Holiday-4
- All clients are eligible for holiday pay.
The Pay Calculation for COVID-19
- Workers will be paid their average of a day’s earnings from 03-01-2019 to 02-29-2020.
Pay Eligibility for COVID-19
- Must be on payroll from 03-01-2019 to 02-29-2020 in order to be eligible for COVID-19 pay.