A good report for importing into the BID system for Reconciliation is the 'Non-Denied Billing Report' from the DODD Data Warehouse. This report is found on the DODD website and can be downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet using a date span you select.
Once you have the spreadsheet, you will need to export it to a CSV format. You can import this file from the Billing OTN screen as you can with the INV_FLAT file.
Below are the steps to create the report and save to a CSV file.
IMPORTANT! It is strongly recommended that you don't try to import more than about 10,000 lines at one time.
Once in Excel, click File-Save As, and select the following:
Be sure the file you save is named with 'Non-Denied' as the first part of the file name.
And it's essential that the Medicaid Number and all dates are formatted as the following example:
Medicaid Number: be sure it is 12 numeric digits
ALL dates: must be mm/dd/yyyy
If necessary, these fields can be forced into the correct formats by using the 'Format-Custom' feature in Excel:
- Right-click on the column to format and select 'Format Cells".
- Select 'Custom'.
- Enter the desired format under 'Type:".
Medicaid Number format (############):
All Dates (mm/dd/yyyy):