Automatically synchronizing staff and client data between Brittco Software and another application can be done using a couple of Brittco Desktop applications and Windows Task Scheduler.
First, store the two applications, ClientSync and StaffSync, in a folder on a computer that has access to the original staff and client data. The staff and client data must each be exported to its own CSV file according to the following file names and columns:
Client Sync List from ISS
First Name | Last Name | Code/Initials | Address | City | State | Zip Code | Home Phone | Gender | Medicaid Number | Medicare Number | SSN | County |
Note: the format for all columns is alpha-numeric. The first row with the title must be in the CSV file.
Employee Sync List from ISS
Employee Number | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Initials | User Name | Password | Active |
Note: the format for all columns is alpha-numeric except the Active column, which is TRUE or FALSE. The first row with the title must be in the CSV file.
These CSV files must be stored in the same folder as the applications.
Each time the BrittcoClientSync CSV file has been "refreshed" with new data, simply launch the ClientSync application. Same goes for the Staff sync. When doing so, the client and staff data will be synchronized with the Brittco Software data.
Windows Task Scheduler can be used to automatically launch the applications at specific scheduled times.