Piece Tracker
Allow all clients to be selected with a single click in job details.
Added a separate button called "Transportation" on the HPC screen in order to add HPC Transportation information and mileage.
When entering 'Starting Location' for HPC mileage, the previous locations that have been entered will be automatically displayed in a drop-down menu.
Medication Tracker
Added the information for 'Route' to the Medication Tracker table.
Added a new button on the Reconciliation screen to 'Edit Units'. This allows the manual edit of units prior to creating a flat file invoice.
Added to 'Conflict Checks' 8+ hours of OSOC. So if there are more than 8 hours of OSOC in a given day for an individual, a conflict will be generated.
Added to "Conflict Checks" a check for invalid HPC transportation mileage.
When importing the INVFLAT file, all differences in Paid amounts from previous invoices will be added to the 'Adjustment' field.
Staff Setup
Added a 'Department' field to staff setup.
Client Information
Added 'SSA' to the top information panel.
Added 'View Only' to Scheduler permissions.
Added a new message on the Goals screen if the goals filter is causing no clients or goals to be seen.
For behavior outcomes, a "Yes" selected for an Action Step will automatically display the Behavior window for documenting the ABC notes.
New Reports
234. Billing By Invoice
235. Client Guardian List
236. 8+ OSOC Hours
046b. HPC Activities by Staff per Client