Setting up NMT routes for Daytime Per Mile trips is slightly different than setting up NMT for the morning and evening "per trip" routes. There are two suggested methods based on the predictability of the trip. If the trip is very consistent and predictable in terms of the clients that are included in the trip, and even possibly the days of the week, refer to Method 1 below. For the trips where the client list is random and unpredictable, refer to Method 2.
With both methods, the first step is to setup the vehicles that are 'Modified' for the higher transportation rate.
Setting Modified Vehicles
1. Go to the Setup menu and click on the 'Vehicles' tab.
2. Select the Modified vehicle.
Note: it is recommended that the Vehicle Name should include something like (Modified) so it's obvious when choosing the Vehicle on the NMT screen.
3. Click the 'NMT' checkbox to ensure that this vehicle will be listed in the drop-down menu on the NMT screen.
4. Click on the 'Modified' checkbox and 'Save Changes'.
For non-modified vehicles, no setup is required.
Method 1 - Predictable Trips
Not much is different when setting up "predictable" trips for Daytime Per Mile use than what has always been done for standard NMT "per trip" routes.
1. Click the 'Add Route' button and enter a route name.
2. Select the vehicle (this can be changed each day by the driver).
3. Select the clients in the 'Client Pickup' list and 'Client Takehome' list. 'Takehome' in this case is returning back to the Program.
4. Select the days of week.
5. Click the 'Daytime Per Mile' checkbox.
6. Save changes.
Method 2 - Random/Miscellaneous Trips
There will be many trips that will not be very predictable (who is going on a trip, which vehicle, days of week, etc.). We suggest you setup several general route names for these trips.
1. Click the 'Add Route' button and enter a route name. In this case, you will want to use a general name because you won't know ahead of time much about the route.
2. Click the 'Daytime Per Mile' checkbox.
3. Save changes.
Notice we don't recommend populating any clients, vehicles, or days of the week. These will get populated by the driver when the route is added to the NMT screen.
Here is an example:
You may want to add several of these "blank" routes. Drivers will select each of these routes when needed. If "... Route 1" has already been used, then a driver would know to select "... Route 2", and so on. Have as many of these types of Routes as needed based on the maximum number of the Daytime Per Mile trips you might have in a given day. You may want to consider using staff names/drivers as part of these route names.
Setting Modified in Client Information
In order to get the "Modified" billing rate, not only does the Vehicle have to be set as "Modified", but so too does the client. Assuming it is in the ISP Plan, the client can be set as "Modified" transportation. This is done here (Basic Information tab on the Client Information screen):