Added a "Select All" to the client dropdown menu.
Medication Tracker
The Medication Tracker date is now locked when the "Lock Goals Date" setting is set.
NMT routes are locked when corresponding billing data is locked. Even if only one client has locked billing data, the whole route is locked from any changes.
Redesigned how Patient Liability is handled. It now doesn't matter when PL is billed throughout the month, and if the rates or units change from previously-billed PL.
Added a Career Exploration custom code.
Added Shared Living for Independents.
Added Informal Respite service.
Added Weekly Overtime codes and rates for HPC.
Now using Rollup Codes (instead of the service name) to track authorizations.
An image can now be attached to an event.
DSP Essentials
'My Documents' is now hidden from all non-admins.