When clicking the Billing conflicts button, several checks are run that help flush out potential billing issues. Here is a list of those "checks":
- If a client is scheduled for an NMT route, is on the route that day, but doesn't show up in Attendance (and is scheduled to be in Attendance that day).
- If a client is scheduled for Attendance, attends that day, but doesn't show up in NMT (and is scheduled to be on a Route that day).
- More than 32 units of billing for Attendance (DayHab, VocHab, Employment).
- Invalid start or end times for Attendance (checks for units < 0).
- A program is in Attendance but there are no clients in that Program on that day.
- A client is in Attendance but has no goals documented for that day.
- A client has an HPC activity but has no goals documented for that day.
- More than 8 hours of HPC OSOC for that day.
- More than 96 units of HPC for that day.
- Invalid HPC transportation mileage when end mileage is less than start mileage.
- More than $580 per client's span for HPC Transportation billing dollars