Added and 'Active Date' option for HPC Locations. If the current date is past the Active Date, the HPC Location will not be available on the HPC screen.
The Scheduler category "HPC Pre-schedule" can now be used for scheduling in sitations where it is desirable to have the staff choose the HPC Location and client. This is particularly helpful when schedules are rapidly changing and overlapping. The "HPC Pre-schedule" hours will now be displayed on the dashboard for the staff as part of their schedule.
The Event Name is now appended to the staff name in the "Potentially Busy" list. This helps quickly find the event where that staff is already scheduled.
Added a new Reminder time of "1 Hour After" the scheduled event. This can be very useful for scheduling events that involve an action that must done by the client. If a certain action is not marked "complete" by the staff, then 1 hour after the scheduled time a notification/reminder will be sent.
Cost Centers can now be setup by anyone with "Billing Manager" permissions.