A. Choosing and Filtering the Billing Data
- The dates are used to filter what billing data is viewed on the screen and what data is included in the invoice flat file. Once the dates and filters and set, click the green "refresh" button to view the billing data.
- The Client Filter is used to view Billing Setup data for one specific client.
- Choosing a Cost Center will display only billing data associated with the selected Cost Center. When creating an invoice with a Cost Center selected, only billing data associated with the Cost Center will be included in the flat file. Only Cost Centers that are "Excluded from DODD" are included here. This is primarily used for submitting invoice flat files to local County Boards.
- The three check boxes filter the billing setup data for viewing and invoicing:
ADS - all services from the Attendance screen (ADS, VocHab, Employment, etc.)
Transport - transportation (Non-Medical and Transport Scheduler)
HPC - all services from HPC screen and HPC Transportation - The Patient Liability checkbox is used to create an invoice flat file for clients setup with Patient Liability (refer to this article) and does not affect which billing data is displayed on the screen.
- The refresh button views the Billing Setup data according to the date span and filters selected.
B. Button Panel
Recalculate Billing Setup Data - once all warning logs and conflicts have been corrected, use this button to recalculate all billing setup data for the date span selected. This button will ensure that all billing setup data will be updated with any and all changes that might have been made that could affect billing (e.g., waiver, medicaid number, cost centers, custom codes, etc.).
Note: be patient. If there are a lot of billing records, this could take 5-10 minutes. It will be worth the wait to ensure billing data integrity.
Conflicts - checks for conflicts between attendance and non-medical transportation:
This is information only, and does not affect the billing data that is included in the invoice flat file.
Create Billing Data - create the billing data from the billing "setup" data currently selected and displayed.
C. Billing Totals
Total Setup Billing - the total of all billing data displayed (which is the billing "setup" data). This does NOT include billing "excluded from DODD" and where the service is "n/a".
Total Billing - the total of all billing data. This does NOT include billing "excluded from DODD" and where the service is "n/a".
Note: the difference between billing "setup" data and the actual billing data needs explained:
- Billing "setup" data could include the same service code multiple times for a client in single day, while actual billing data will combine the units so only once service code is used per client per day.
- All billing "setup" data is Unit rates and codes. The billing data will include the daily rates and codes per the latest DODD rules.
Total To Be Billed - the total of all billing data that is ready for invoicing. This is the total amount that corresponds to the invoice flat file (all unlocked billing data that has legitimate service codes and not excluded from DODD).
D. Viewing Billing Setup Data
- Sets the number of records displayed on the screen at one time.
- Clicking on any column heading will sort the billing data by that column.
- The "Search" will filter on whatever text is entered
E. Billing Reports and DODD Website
The dark blue button will display a list of all Billing reports:
The light blue button will open up a new tab in your browser with the login to your DODD account: