There are several types of billing that can be done from the Scheduler:
Community Transition
Standard Purchases
Miscellaneous Items/Service (per agency)
Click on the specific billing type above to learn more.
Creating the Billing Record
Billing data is created by entering an Event on the Scheduler as you would any other Event:
Event Title
Event Category (this is what differentiates each billing type)
Event Description (optional)
Start Time
End Time
Staff (may be optional)
Client (not optional)
Reminder & Repeat (optional)
Event Title
The title can be anything. It will appear on the billing screen as the "Program".
Event Description
The description can be anything and is not used in the billing.
Event Category
The categories determine the billing type of the corresponding service/item. For example, if you choose "Equipment Lease" as a category, it will create a billing record with the appropriate code, rate, and units for Equipment Lease. Choosing "Community Transition" will create a billing record for that service.
Amount Field
If the service/item has pre-determined code and rate, then the Amount Field will not be displayed because it is not needed. Community Transition is an example of this. Since this service has a pre-determined code and rate, no amount field is displayed.
However, those categories that correspond to an item that has no pre-determined rate will require an amount to be entered into this field. Assistive Technology is a category that does not have a pre-determined rate, so an Amount is needed and entered into the Amount field.
Item/Service Dropdown Menu
The Item/Service dropdown menu is only available when it is necessary to bill for custom items and services. This list is customized per agency.
Start and End Times
Start and end times are needed, but not always used in the billing calculation. For items that don't have a rate based on time, the start and end times can be anything. But for those services that use time as part of the rate calculation, such as Remote Monitoring, start and end times must be precise.
Staff and Clients
Staff are required for some services such as Remote Monitoring, but not all. If you don't enter a staff when needed, you will get a warning message. A client is always required.
Reminders and Repeat
These are optional.