A. Choosing the Billing/Reconciliation Data
The dates are used to filter what data is viewed on the screen. Once the dates are set, click the green "refresh" button to view the data.
Invoice - create an Invoice flat file from the billing data. Remember, the data displayed on the screen is the billing "setup" data, which is slightly different than the actual billing data. To see the actual billing data, select the "Billing Flat File Preview" report (see below).
Select Client - filters on one client. This affects the billing data that is being displayed and the billing data included in the invoice flat file. This is typically used when going back in time to re-bill for a single client that needed some corrections or has been released from billing hold.
B. Viewing the Billing/Reconciliation Data
- Sets the number of records displayed on the screen at one time.
- Clicking on any column heading will sort the billing data by that column.
- The "Search" will filter on whatever text is entered
C. Button Panel
All buttons refer to the billing records that are selected. Click on a row to select a record. If you want to select multiple records, hold the Crtl key down and select additional records. If you want to select an entire span of records click the first one, hold the Shift key down, and click on the last record of the span.
Lock Record. Locks all selected billing records.
UnLock Record. Unlocks all selected billing records.
Delete Record. Deletes all selected billing records.
Zero Out. Unlocks and sets the units to 0 for all selected billing records.
Paid in Full. Sets the amount paid to the total billing amount (units x rate) for all selected billing records. If there is an existing amount paid that is different than the total billing amount, the difference will be added to the Adjustment.
Partial Payment. Applies a partial payment to all selected billing records.
D. Billing Reports and DODD Website
The dark blue button will display a list of all Billing reports:
The light blue button will open up a new tab in your browser with the login to your DODD account: