From the Packets screen, click the "Create New Packet" button and enter the individual's name and span date to get started.
When viewing the packet, you will clearly see what needs to be done and the due dates of each item. You will have different actions based on what type of item it is.
If it is a task, then you can simply mark it 'Complete' or 'Incomplete'.
If it is an attachment, select the Attach option and attach the document associated with that item. If a template has been added to that attachment, you can download a fresh copy of the form by clicking the download button.
If it is a Brittco form, click the 'Start' or 'Continue' button to work on the form.
When completing each of these items, you have the ability to write an optional note if needed.
If an item is optional, a 'Not Applicable' button will appear when clicking 'Actions' that will allow you to hide that item from your progress tracking.
Once you've completed your packet, click 'Actions' -> Publish in the top right corner.