We created a module called FSS, Family Support Services. This module will track the funding for an individual's FSS and will show the details on how the funds are being allocated throughout the fiscal year.
Below is the dashboard from the FSS tab. You can currently filter by client and fiscal year to narrow your search. The dashboard shows how the funds are allocated to individuals and how much has been spent.
To go into more detail, select the blue 'Details' box with the eye icon next to it. This will show when certain funds have been used, the service, amount, vendor, and if it is 'Pending' or 'Paid'. Stay up to date on a client's FSS utilization all from this tab.
*Note: Contact Brittco Support to set up your list of services.
To add an authorization, click the in the top right corner of the screen. This will create a new authorization for an individual who received FSS funding. Enter the fields below to start tracking the individual's authorized FSS funds.
To create a new entry for an existing authorization, click on the tab when the details of an individual is opened up. The entry will appear in the details section with the other entries for the authorization.
To edit an authorization, simply select the 'Edit' option on the right side of the table. The popup below will appear and you can make the necessary edits to the authorization.
There are also reports that show this information as shown below. You can filter on fields you want to see and a PDF will populate of the FSS data.