You can easily set up a workflow so that SSAs or anyone else can request FSS funding and receive automated notifications.
Creating a Request
In order for a staff person to be able to create a request, he or she must have the following permissions set up: "Access FSS" must be turned on and "Edit FSS authorizations" must be turned off.
Once these permissions are set up for a group of users, they will now be able to go to the FSS screen, view authorization details and create requests. After clicking the "Details" button on an authorization, they will see an "+ Add Request" button. After clicking this, a form will pop-up allowing them to enter information about the request (date, amount, service, vendor, and note) and add any attachments. When submitting this request, anybody who has signed up for the "FSS Funding Request" notification will be notified.
Approving or Rejecting a Request
Any user that has the "Edit FSS authorizations" permission turned on can approve or reject a request. To do so, go the FSS screen and click "Edit" on authorization entry that has a status of "Pending Approval". You will now have the ability to Approve or Reject the request:
Once you select a status and click "Save", a message will be sent to the user who requested the funding, letting them know whether it was approved or denied.