This article outlines how to create and submit incidents, set up notifications, and manage user permissions in the Incidents module.
The Incident form in Brittco is designed to align with DODD’s Incident Report Form. This form allows you to document, track, submit and share both unusual (UI) and major unusual incidents (MUI).
Creating an Incident
Here's how to create an incident:
Go to the Incidents module and click Create New Incident in the top right corner.
On the Create a New Incident pop-up window, choose the Client, enter the Date of Incident, and the Time of Incident. Then, click Create Incident.
After creating the incident, you'll be taken to the Edit screen for that incident to add any related details. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. If you're not ready to submit, click Save Incident in the top right to save your progress.
All incident reports you’ve created will show up on the Incidents dashboard. If you have additional permissions, you may also see incidents written by other users.
Note: The Notifications tab within an incident is for documenting who has been notified about the incident, but does not send actual notifications. Please see the Setting Up Notifications for Incidents section for information about notifications.
Submitting an Incident
Any user with the permission to submit incidents can submit them by clicking Actions and Submit once the report is completed. After clicking Submit the Submit Incident to County Board pop-up window shown below will appear for the user to confirm they would like to submit the incident.
Users that do not have the permission to submit incidents will see Notify Admin as an option.
Viewing an Incident Report
All incidents that a user has access to can be viewed on the main Incident dashboard. If you would like to view the details or edit a specific incident report, click the View or Edit button to the right of the Status column. On the Incident dashboard, users can filter and export a CSV of incidents they have access to. To export a CSV, click the disclosure triangle to the right of the Apply Filter button and select CSV.
Provider Admin users and Brittco Admins will also have the option to access the UI Log Review from the Incident dashboard.
Setting Up Notifications for Incidents
There are four different incident notifications:
- Incident Created
- Incident Submitted
- Incident Closed
- Incident Ready for Review
The Incident Created, Incident Submitted, and Incident Closed notifications are managed by individual staff users through their User Settings.
Here’s how to add those notifications:
- Log In: Ensure you are logged in to your account. Admin users can also impersonate a staff user to configure these settings.
- Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen and select Settings from the drop-down menu.
- On the User Settings screen, click Edit Settings, then Notifications, and choose Add Notification.
- In the New Notification pop-up window, select the type of incident notification you want to add.
- Enter the details for the types of incident reports you want to be notified about and choose whether you want to receive notifications via email, the Brittco Message Dashboard, or both.
- Repeat the steps for each notification you would like to add.
For more detailed instructions, refer to this Knowledge Base article: Setting up Notifications – Brittco Software Help & Learning.
The Incident Ready for Review notification is managed by Brittco Admins in your organization or users with the permission to edit staff accounts. Provider Admin users can also enable this notification. If you do not see the Staff module and you should have this permission, contact a Brittco Admin in your organization.
Here's how to add the Incident Ready for Review Notification:
- Go to the Staff module and select the Edit option for the specific staff user.
- Check the Incident Ready for Review box at the bottom of the Basic Information tab and click Update Staff.
- For Brittco Staff accounts, there will also be the option to choose if the user should receive notifications for All, Department, or Supervisees when an Incident is marked Ready for Review.
Note: Users who don’t have permission to submit incidents will see Notify Admin instead of Submit when clicking Actions within an Incident report. Selecting Notify Admin will trigger the Incident Ready for Review notification.
User Permissions for the Incidents Module
There are seven different user permissions related to incidents. Here’s a list of those permissions and what each one allows users to do:
Access incidents - Allows users to access the Incidents module and view any incidents they have created.
Add new incidents - Grants permission to create new incidents. By default, users can see any incident reports they created without additional permissions.
Submit incidents - Enables users to submit incidents to the County Board through Brittco.
Access incident reports - Allows users to view incident reports. They will only see individuals they have created incidents for or have permission to access.
View department incidents - Permits users to see all incidents with any status that list their department in the Provider column on the Incidents dashboard.
View all incidents - Provides permission to view all incidents across the system.
View caseload incidents - Grants access to all incidents related to individuals on the user's caseload even if they did not create the report.
Note: Users with both the View caseload incidents and View department incidents permissions will only be able to access incident reports with their department listed in the Provider column if they did not create an incident report.
Additional Incidents Module Account Settings and Permissions
Brittco Admins can modify User Group permissions for the Incidents module in Account Settings > User Groups for all users except Provider Staff and Provider Admin users. To modify Provider permissions, please contact Brittco Support at or submit a support ticket.
In Account Settings > Incidents, Brittco Admins have the option to give providers the permission to see other providers' incidents for individuals they service, add a custom message that will display when MUI is selected in an Incident report, and update the required fields.
For more information about User Groups and Permissions, here's a helpful Knowledge Base article: User Groups and Permissions – Brittco Software Help & Learning (
Other Related Knowledge Base Articles:
UI Log Reviews – Brittco Software Help & Learning (
Sharing Incident Reports – Brittco Software Help & Learning (