This article will go over the checkboxes in the Options tab of the Staff Information.
Administrator- gives 100% access to the software
Edit Clients- allows for staff to make changes in the Client Information screen
Repair Email- a notification checkbox on when a vehicle inspection item is marked 'Not OK'
Contact for Injury- puts name of staff on the UI Forms sent in the Incidents screen
Incident Email Recipient- notifies a staff when an incident is written in the system
Driver- gives staff standard permissions associated with NMT transportation
Manager- staff have the ability to make edits created by other staff
Billing Manager- full access to the billing screen
Impersonate- allows for staff to create records as another staff
Lock Goals Date- makes sure staff can only document goals on the current date
Lock Medications Date- makes sure staff can only document medications on the current date
Lock Piece Tracker Date- makes sure staff can only document piece tracker records on the current date
HPC/Time Clock Read Only- setting for staff to clock in/out in 'real time' can't put in their own times
HPC Must Be Authorized- if HPC dollars exceed what has been authorized, then this checkbox will stop that documentation
EVV- required for EVV compliance
Edit Goals- allows for staff to make changes to the clients goals in the Client Information screen
Hide MUIs- staff are unable to view MUIs in the system
View My Documents- gives staff access to the My Documents tab in the Training screen
Receive HPC Reject Message- if using the approval/reject process, staff will receive a message saying their HPC entry has been rejected
Can't Add Vehicles- staff can't add vehicles on their own