Within the Clients module, you can set up Safety Concerns for an individual. These can be used to notify staff about any concerns that an individual may have. The notification will appear on that individual's demographic page in the form off a pop-up alert. Staff will be able to confirm that they've read this concern.
Navigate to the Medical section of the client's record:
On the Medical screen you will see a tab labeled Safety Concerns, click on the tab:
From there you will click on + Add Concern:
A new box will pop up for you to enter the date range this Safety Concern should be active. You must enter a start date, but if you leave the end date blank the safety concern will be active indefinitely.
Once you have your date(s) filled out you can enter the note:
Click on Save Entry and Update Client and you will have successfully created a Safety Concern Note for the individual.
What a staff person will see on their first visit to the Individual's record
Now that the Safety Concern Note has been created and active, staff will get a pop up upon entering the individual's record the first time:
The staff member at this point has two options, I Acknowledge or Cancel. If they click on the I Acknowledge box the dialog box will pop up and not return on future visits. The note will still show up on the front page of the Demographic record and in the Medical tab. If the staff person clicks on Cancel then the pop up will happen the next time they enter the individual's record.
Multiple Safety Concerns
An individual my have more than one active Safety Concern Note at a time. When this happens, the staff person will need to click on I Acknowledge for each note.
The report built for this feature is under the Clients tab in the Report module and is called Safety Concern Acknowledgements. This report will allow you to see who has acknowledged the Safety Concern Note and when they did it.
If you have any questions or feedback about this or anything else in Brittco, please email us at support@brittcosupport.com