There is an option to verify that a service has a corresponding PAWS authorization. In order to use this feature, you must do these two things:
- On the Setup screen, go to the bottom of the 'Company Info' tab and check the 'Verify PAWS Authorization' checkbox:
- Import the PAWS Utilization report.
With this feature active, a Warning will be displayed on the billing screen if you have billing data for a service that doesn't have any "Total Authorized Cost" in the PAWS Utilization, or there is no PAWS Utilization for that service.
It's important to note that this feature does not have to be active for the Warning when a service is out of money. which uses the PAWS Utilization report to compare the authorized dollars.
When this feature is set, billing data will not get created if the billing record is "Not Authorized..." or "Authorized dollars exceeded...".
On the billing screen, the calculation for "Authorized dollars exceeded" uses the actual billing data. As such, it is only after the billing has been created that you will get the latest calculation in the current billing cycle. So in order to check for authorized dollars, run "Conflicts" after the billing has been created.