This article is about using the EI Case Notes screen. You will learn how to populate the client dropdown, create group case notes, track mileage, bill for Title XX and add or modify services and locations.
*Note: if you only have access to Early Intervention case notes, the title of the screen will be 'Case Notes' instead of 'EI Case Notes'.
Populating the Client Dropdown
For the client to show up on the 'EI Case Notes' screen, the client needs to have an active support of either 'Early Intervention', 'Preschool' or 'PLAY' on the selected date of service. You can set this up from the client screen by following this tutorial.
Once the client is setup for the EI Case Notes screen, enter the case notes as you would in the TCM Case Notes tab.
Group Case Notes
A different feature on the EI Case Notes tab is the ability to create group case notes. You can select multiple clients in the client dropdown when creating a new note. Then, if needed, can edit each note individually.
Tracking Mileage
Another feature for the EI Case Notes is when the 'Travel' Activity/Service is selected. A 'Mileage' field appears which allows for mileage to be tracked for any travel involved with the case note. You can run a report to track mileage per staff.
Title XX Billing
You can run the "Title XX Billing Units By Fiscal Year" report to easily view the number of units, dollars and kids served during a Fiscal Year in order to report this to the state. This will accumulate all time (including travel and documentation time) for any case notes that have a "Title XX" eligible service.
Adding or Modifying Services and Locations
Contact Brittco Support if you'd like to create or edit any of the items in the Services or Locations drop downs.