There are 2 reports for checking for overlaps within your case notes: Staff Overlapping Times and Client Overlapping Times. These reports give you transparency into any potential issues before billing.
Staff Overlapping Times Report
Running the Case Notes - Staff Overlapping Times report allows you to check for scenarios where a staff person entered two or more case notes with overlapping times.
For example, SSA John Smith enters a case note from 9am to 10am, then enters another case note from 9:45a to 10:30a. When entering the case note, John will see the warning below, but is able to proceed.
The Case Notes - Staff Overlapping Times report will allow you to catch these situations so that you can make determinations of whether this should be allowed or not.
Client Overlapping Times Report
Running the Case Notes - Client Overlapping Times report allows you to check for scenarios where one or more SSAs document on the same client with overlapping times. Within this report, there are two types of overlaps: same service and different service. The reason for the distinction is that you can bill Medicaid for the same client with overlapping times as long as you document two different services.