Below are the steps to get started with keeping track of local funding budgets.
Creating a New Authorization
- While on the Local Funding screen, click the "Create New Authorization" button in the top right corner.
- A pop-up will appear with fields that must be filled out. Enter the individual, amount you want to authorize, and date range of which you are authorizing.
- Now, you must enter each service that you want to authorize. With each service, you must enter the dollar amount you are authorizing and, optionally, the provider.
- Click "Save" when you are finished.
Adding Entries to an Authorization
- Find the authorization you are interested in, either by using the filters at the top of the screen or by paging through the authorizations.
- Click the "See Details" button to see additional information about that authorization.
- Click the "Add Entry" button to add an additional entry.
- A pop-up will appear with fields that must be filled out. Enter the date, amount you have been invoiced, and service. Once you've paid the provider, you can record this by filling in the date of payment, payment amount and invoice number.
- Click "Save" when you are finished.